Anonymous server-side analytics
Website tracking has become more difficult with GDPR. When tracking is done legally, visitor numbers collapse and you have to settle for a small sample of data. This makes site development and optimization challenging.
We have a solution: we help you move your site’s tracking to servers and anonymize your data. This allows you to access all website data through Google Analytics legally, completely anonymously, and without the need for users to accept cookies.
Anonymous tracking is the answer to the tightening GDPR regulations
By law, no data may be collected from users until they have given their consent. However, user-friendly cookie banners collect consent approvals poorly. More disruptive cookie banners affect the user experience negatively, and still, not everyone gives their permission to collect data. Therefore, when you implement tracking in accordance with GDPR, the data collected to Google Analytics only reflects a part of the site’s visits. The data becomes less reliable and the further development of your site more difficult.
The solution to this problem is anonymous server-side tracking – our way of collecting data from websites without the need for cookie consent approvals. When your tracking is transferred to servers, you will have access to all of the site usage data legally. As the owner of your web service, you also have complete control over what information about users is collected and what is not.
The benefits of anonymous server-side tracking
All usage data available to you
You have legal access to all of your site’s usage data, even if your users do not accept cookies. You will also be able to track users for longer since their browsers do not destroy cookies.
Better site performance
When the measurement is transferred to servers, the user’s browser is no longer loaded with a large amount of JavaScript. As a big load is taken off your site, it becomes faster and the user experience improves.
Better privacy
By using anonymous server-side tracking, you fully comply with the GDPR and prevent users’ IP addresses and other personal information from being transferred to servers outside of the EU.
Full control of user data
You have complete control over what information about users is collected. Compared to cookies, anonymous tracking is a more attractive option from the user’s point of view as it means better privacy.
The familiar Google tools at your use
The only requirement for installing anonymous server-side tracking is that you are currently using Google Analytics. With server-side tracking, your tools won’t change. You will still be analyzing data on Google Analytics – but you now have all the usage data at your disposal.
Questions and answers
Who is anonymous tracking suitable for?
How does the technology work in practice?
How is anonymous tracking different from Google's Consent mode?
If I choose server-side tracking, can I remove the cookie banner for good?
Why choose us to implement the tracking?
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